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Wheat is the main cereal crop in India. The total area under the crop is about 29.8 million hectares in the country. The production of wheat in the country has increased significantly from 75.81 million MT in 2006-07 to an all time record high of 94.88 million MT in 2011-12. The productivity of wheat which was 2602 kg/hectare in 2004-05 has increased to 3140 kg/hectare in 2011-12. The major increase in the productivity of wheat has been observed in the states of Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.
The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum, synonym: Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the most popular vegetables. They are easy to grow, cheap and healthy. Moreover, they can be used and processed in many different ways. They can be used in soups, sauces, salads and are delicious on bread. The tomato comes from the same family as chili peppers, potatoes, squash and tobacco. This family is called the nightshade family (Solanaceae).
Sugarcane is a giant tropical grass from the family Graminaceae, whose stalk has the particular capacity to store a crystallizable sugar, sucrose. Its main use is in industrial processing of the stalks to make rum. However, the impressive plant mass it produces can also be converted into energy—combustible material, charcoal or biofuel—and also contains a wealth of molecules for the chemicals industry.
Pointed gourd or Parwal is an inexpensive but highly nutritious member of the gourd family. It is mostly cultivated in the eastern and northern parts of India and some other parts of the Indo-Malayan region. This humble vegetable has many healing properties ranging from the ability to prevent and cure colds to curing jaundice of the liver.
Mustards, (Brassica spp.) are herbaceous annual plants in the family Brassicaceae grown for their seeds which are used as a spice. Mustard plants are thin herbaceous herbs with yellow flowers. The leaves of the plant are toothed, lobed, and occasionally have the larger terminal lobes. Plants can reach 16 cm (6.3 in) in length.
corn, or maize, Cereal plant (Zea mays) of the grass family (Poaceae). It originated in southern Mexico and has been introduced globally; it is one of the most widely distributed of the world’s food plants. Though it is a major food in many parts of the world, it is inferior to other cereals in nutritional value. In addition to its use as a fresh and processed food for human consumption, corn is an important livestock feed and is used as raw material in industry.
The eggplant is a delicate, tropical perennial plant often cultivated as a tender or half-hardy annual in temperate climates. The stem is often spiny. The flowers are white to purple in color, with a five-lobed corolla and yellow stamens. Some common cultivars have fruit that is egg-shaped, glossy, and purple with white flesh and a spongy, "meaty" texture. Some other cultivars are white and longer in shape.
paddy, also called rice paddy, small, level, flooded field used to cultivate rice in southern and eastern Asia. Wet-rice cultivation is the most prevalent method of farming in the Far East, where it utilizes a small fraction of the total land yet feeds the majority of the rural population.